A Prayer to End Mass Gun Violence in Schools
Loving and Merciful God,
Our hearts have been broken and suffer from pain at the senseless deaths caused by gun violence. Children are terrorized, and families mourn unfathomable losses.
We, your children, have become disconnected and alienated from each other and you. Rather than reaching out to each other in love, fear and distress are causing some to arm themselves with guns for protection which are life-taking rather than love-giving.
God, we ask that you touch our hearts with your love. Heal our brokenness and turn us away from violence and toward peace. Help us transform our hearts and seek peaceful ways of resolving our differences. May we reach out to you, and may our hands connect with those who feel alone, those who live in fear, and those who suffer from mental and emotional distress.
Let our voices be raised toward those charged with the task of public governance and protection to act accordingly. Let our pens write messages demanding change while also professing words of hope and transformation.
We ask this in the name of our nonviolent God, whose greatest desire is for His creation to live together in love and peace.