Sacraments & Celebrations
As a faith community of CACINA, Saint Martin of Tours Catholic Community celebrates the Seven Sacraments of the Church as visible signs and gifts of God's divine grace: Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Marriage, Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, and Holy Orders. We believe that sacraments are not rewards for any human achievement or accomplishment, and instead, sacraments enable us to foster our "living faith" and grow as the People of God.
As People of Celebration and a faith community that honors and reveres these sacred living signs, we welcome opportunities to make sacramental celebrations available to those who seek them. For more information, please email Mother Barb at: saintmartins.info@gmail.com.


The Eucharistic meal is a visible sign and God’s greatest gift to us, freely given so that our lives may be transformed. We believe that Jesus is alive in the Eucharist - through the gifts of bread and wine. United with Christ, as we gather to partake of His Body and Blood, we are all strengthened to better live as Christ in our world.
Join us for Virtual Church, livestreamed on our Facebook page every Sunday.
Sunday Mass worship location:
575 Lake Road
Saint Albans Bay,
Vermont 05481
(SABUMC Sanctuary)

Through the sacrament of Baptism, we are born into new life and welcomed into Christ’s community of believers. As the first sacrament
of initiation, we receive the sanctifying grace of Jesus in the waters of Baptism.

​Striving for communion with God and one another is the primary ministry of the Church. While Absolution is offered at each Mass celebration, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, sometimes known as “confession,” is also offered individually as an intimate experience. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered individually, by appointment.
First Communion

We offer faith instruction in preparation for First Holy Communion, as early as age 8, in collaboration with parents and other significant spiritual mentors and godparents. First Reconciliation preparation is combined with communion preparation.

​Confirmation is God’s gift of the Holy Spirit. This Sacrament deepens and strengthens the grace received at Baptism. It is the mark of faith on our soul that can never be erased. Through our increased ability to practice our faith, we become witnesses to Christ in every aspect of our lives. Through Confirmation, He draws us into a more intimate relationship with Him and His community of believers.

When two people express their desire for a permanent, exclusive partnership by establishing the marital bond or covenant, we are honored to celebrate this sacrament of commitment to Christ and each other through the Sacrament of Marriage. Love begets love and is the foundation on which the Sacrament of Marriage stands between Christ and the two opposite-gendered or same-gendered persons seeking to enter this sacred covenant.
Vow Renewal

Like the Sacrament of Marriage, Vow Renewal affirms the commitment of a couple to each other and Jesus. It is a further celebration of the marital bond begotten by love.
of the Sick

This sacrament is not meant only for the final moments of our lives (what we used to know as “Last Rites” or “Extreme Unction”). Instead, we may seek anointing whenever there is a need to receive Jesus’ healing grace of mind, body, and soul through healing.

Funerals allow us to unite in fellowship at the end of our loved ones' lives, where we may share memories and pay our respects. Each ceremony is unique to the deceased.
Holy Orders

God appoints both women and men to share in the sacramental ministry of the Church in the offices of deacon and priest.
For the validity of this sacrament, a validly-consecrated bishop must ordain a person with apostolic succession. In the Catholic Apostolic Church in North America (CACINA), the sacrament of Holy Orders is not withheld from any person based on gender identity, marital status, or sexual orientation.
If you are discerning the possibility of serving God’s People as an ordained minister of the Church, please reach out to Mother Barb Fichter at Saint Martin’s or contact CACINA’s Vocations Director.