Support Our Ministry
"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms."
(1 Peter 4:10)
At Saint Martin of Tours Inclusive Catholic Community, your time and talent are essential to breathing life into our new community of faith and keeping its mission alive. Your financial support is also necessary for us to meet our financial obligations, which, in good stewardship, we try to hold to an absolute minimum. Through your contributions, we can continue our commitment to serving all people. Please know how grateful we are for your generous support and, most especially, for your prayers.
To support Saint Martin's financially, you may:
Mail a check (payable to) "Saint Martin of Tours Catholic Community," P.O. Box 636, St. Albans, VT 05478.
Use your bank's online bill pay section to mail your donation directly to Saint Martin's (address above).
Submit your one-time or recurring contribution online using our secure Tithely link (https://bit.ly/Donate2SMOTCC_Tithely)
Use this link to make donations to our Outreach Ministry initiatives.
Attend Mass in person and drop your offering in the basket designated for gifts.
Scan our QR code and donate online.